The »eyes« of your machines are as good as yours - but faster.

Remote water-level measuring in the Halle waterworks.

Do you want to know specific data about your installation at all times?

Telecontrol from Titze shows you what’s going on.

The Halle Waterworks, for example, takes its water from an extensive system of wells. A centralized control system requests the data periodically from the various level sensors via a remote measuring system.

Telecontrol for providing security against breakdown and interference of the whole system proves to be a significant economical factor.

Temperature multiplexer in an oil mill.

Regardless of whether the data are local or global, Titze brings them all together.

In this installation a comprehensive network of sensors is fitted to monitor the temperatures in the various remote stations of the oil mill. The sensors pass on the data they collect to a central recording system.

RadarRanger ®: Anti Collision Device

• high operating distance • insensibility against environmental conditions • wide temperatur range • high class of protection • heavy duty enclosure [more]

Plants and factories

Precision pick-up, rapid acceleration, gentle put-down – regardless of the dimensions you work in, quality and safety are important aspects ... and that is where we come in. [more]

Solutions for food industry

Monitoring, checking, measuring, positioning, dosing [more]